
Serena is in the process of documenting the story about her friendship with David Kpomakpor, the former President of Liberia, whom she met when he was living in poverty and anonymity amidst thousands of other Liberians refugees on Staten Island in New York City. The following is a short excerpt from the book she is writing and planning to publish:

He was born David Dower Kpomakpor and remained so until the age of ten when he met a lanky Baptist missionary in the cotton fields flanking Bomi County, Liberia; He converted to Christianity and became David Jones, but only until the age of 26 when he returned to Liberia to serve as Professor Associate of Justice and ultimately Interim President, when he reclaimed the family name, Kpormakpor, giving tribute to his father who died poor in the pocket but rich in his soul. David died as “Prof”, on Thursday, August 19, 2010, alone, at the Staten Island University Hospital in New York, more than 4,000 miles away from Liberia, his people and his tribe.
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